

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Bothell Country Village

8/3/18 Keepsake Cottage Fabrics at Bothell Country Village

(I’m interrupting my normal programming of reporting on my trip to Portugal with a post on the type of sketching event I enjoy year-round: with my USk Seattle group. Though I don’t express it often, experiencing the thrill of sketching with 800 people in a foreign land doesn’t take away from the joy I feel each time I meet with my local tribe. Chatting with sketchers worldwide reminds me that not everyone is fortunate enough to have a local group to sketch with regularly, and I am always grateful for the friendship and shared passion I enjoy here with my homies.)

A few months ago, if you had asked if I could ever tire of sunshine, I would have vehemently answered, No way! But having been spoiled by sketching under the Mediterranean sun for most of July and hearing complaints from local friends about the heatwave we missed here at home, I woke yesterday morning to drizzle and overcast sky and said aloud: Hallelujah! I’m home!

We were saddened to hear the news several months ago that Bothell Country Village, a Bothell landmark since 1981, would be closing next year. USk Seattle has met at the colorful and charming shopping center several times, but upon hearing the news, we vowed to sketch there again for possibly the last time. Somehow I had managed to miss those previous outings, so I was especially eager to have the opportunity to sketch there.

Keepsake Cottage Fabrics is one of 40 local businesses that will be displaced next spring when the Village closes. Normally I would be annoyed to be wearing a raincoat and socks in August (one of my core values is to be sockless from May through September) and even more annoyed that the shadows were difficult to see under a cloudy sky. But yesterday morning I was OK with both. Practicing the graphite techniques I learned in Eduardo Bajzek’s symposium workshop, I had a hard time resisting spots of color to depict the bolts of fabrics on the shop’s long porch (or for that matter, resisting all the colorful signs and decorations throughout the Village). But I was OK with that, too. A gray medium for a gray morning on my first outing back at home seemed right somehow – and felt great.

Good to be sketching with my homies again -- and by the time we had our throwdown, the sun came out!


  1. Wow, a great sketch! You are getting a hang of the approach, Tina.

    1. Thanks, Ching! I still need lots of practice, but I'm "getting" the concept more easily now.

  2. I like the graphite technique and agree that it is a good one for overcast days. I see you had a future urban sketcher joining you this time.

    1. Yes, our tiny sketcher has joined us at least a couple of times! Start 'em young! ;-)
