

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


7/5/18 Lake City Farmers Market

Despite the heat (my phone said it was 84 degrees), Joel was dressed in a wool beanie, a long-sleeved shirt with another shirt underneath, and a long, decorative scarf. When I showed him the sketch, we chatted for a moment, and he told me all about his daughter who had just graduated with a double major and was on her way abroad to teach. He can’t understand why people go around taking photos to put on Facebook; he’d rather read scriptures and commune with God and nature. He was very pleased with the sketch.

Afterwards, I went back to wandering around Lake City Farmers Market, the sound of his voice and guitar in the background, my bag heavy with fresh strawberries.

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up on what I've missed here recently. Time keeps slipping away and I have things to do before flying off to Porto. See you soon!
