

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Reindeer, Santa and Mobs at Swansons

12/22/17 Blitzen dozing
A Friday USk tradition since 2012, Swansons Nursery during the holidays is one of our favorite outings. We usually don’t schedule it this late in the season, however, and it was significantly more crowded than usual.

First, I had to fight my way through swarms of kids to get to Blitzen and Dasher, the reindeer who visit the store annually. 
12/22/17 Dasher and Blitzen

Then I had to fight my way through swarms of parents to get to Santa, with lots of Santa’s helpers blocking my view. (Even with my limited view of him, Santa remembered me from the time I sketched him a couple of years ago.) At least I didn’t have to fight to get to Pippin, Alex’s new puppy, who stayed relatively still chewing his leash.

12/22/17 obstructed Santa
12/22/17 Alex's new puppy, Pippin

12/22/17 banana tree

After all that, I had to break for lunch, and then I had my usual 15 minutes left before the throwdown. In Swansons’ crowded cafĂ©, I had a mostly unobstructed view of the enormous banana tree growing by the koi pond. 

Despite the mobs, Swansons was still a fun way to end the year with Urban Sketchers Seattle!

Kate and Antonella


  1. You got to enjoy so much Christmas spirit there!!! Nice sketches. I'm sitting here listening to the snow plows outside the windows. lol It definitely looks like Christmas here.

  2. Awwwww! Look at all those familiar happy faces. I miss you. I see banana trees every day here in Hawaii! *trying not to gloat* Good sketches! Stay warm and all the best to you and yours, Tina.
