

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Funko Fun

9/16/17 Funko store at the corner of California Street and Wetmore Avenue
Last month the new Funko store opened in downtown Everett to much local fanfare. Pop culture toys are generally off my radar, so I didn’t even know about the store until I saw Gabi Campanario’s Seattle Sketcher column about the grand opening. But as soon as I saw his sketches, I knew I had to get up there sometime soon!

A half-hour north of Seattle, Everett is a hard-working town without much of what would be called “color,” so Funko has added a big bright spot to the town’s center. Pop culture icons like Chewbacca, Mickey Mouse, Batman and Harry Potter decorate the store’s awnings on two sides of the building. I had a lot to choose from, but today I focused on Freddy Funko, the store’s own mascot, high above the store’s entrance. Spider-man and Batman look down from the covered walkway between the store and the parking garage. 

Inside the store, it’s like a mini-Disneyland of giant Funko pop characters. So dazzled by the colorful décor, I almost forgot it was a store. I spent the most time in the Star Wars area, since those characters are the only pop culture icons I have any affinity for. The least expensive things I saw in the whole store were keychains for $5 and pens for $3. A cool Star Wars backpack I wanted was $70! I passed on that. 

Funko storefront

Me and Han (or is it Luke?)

Me and Chewie

Princess Leia Wobblers

Star Wars pens
I want this backpack! (But not for $70.)

This Stormtrooper clutch would make a great pencil case/sketch kit!


  1. Argh. So. Much. Star. Wars. Thanks for the great post.

  2. I love the sketch of the huge character outside the store. How fun! Did they allow sketching inside too?

    1. Well, I'm not sure whether sketching would be allowed inside... it was a bit dark in there, but also relatively spacious, so I might try it next time! :-)
