

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Busy Intersection

7/18/17 ink, water-soluble colored pencils

This couch at the corner of North 85th and Wallingford took me twice as long as usual to sketch. It’s a very busy intersection, and every time the light turned red, two lanes of traffic would completely block my view across the street. I had to keep waiting for the light to change, and when it did, I could see the couch only during the brief spaces between cars going by. Then the light would turn again. 

It was missing two cushions as well as a price tag; perhaps it was even cheaper than free.


  1. Tina, I really enjoy looking at your sketches. I like the simple lines, the couch in stark contrast to the background, wish I was better at describing how I really enjoy your sketches!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate knowing that you enjoy my sketches, no matter how you express it! :-)

      - Tina

  2. You have captured a story that is a quirky present day phenomenon. When anthropologists look back they will be puzzled at the transient appearance of these fireside furnishings along the road side. Perhaps the lack of price is a clue to the dilemma of a living room escapee tragically stymied by arms too short to hit the walk button on such a busy corner. No doubt hooligans in the area saw weakness and made off with the cushions. Freedom doesn't come cheap!

    1. At least the ultimate "buyer" of this bargain couch won't have to worry about how to get the stains out of the cushions! ;-)

  3. I think it was that long couch that took so much time. LOL Nice sketch!
