

Friday, October 14, 2016

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Go Sketching

10/14/16 Copic brush pen, colored pencils

10/14/16 ink
Despite high-wind warnings and other predictions of a storm that could rank among the five worst storms in Western Washington history, seven hardy sketchers met in Columbia City – and several of them even sketched outdoors!

Not me – I retreated to PCC’s cafĂ©, where I sketched the salad bar. Shortly after I arrived, Frank Ching came in, so I sketched him. When we shared sketches over lunch, I was impressed by those who sheltered under awnings and in doorways – at least until the rain started pouring sideways – to capture the neighborhood.

The worst of the storm is not supposed to hit until tomorrow afternoon, when I intend to be safely bundled up at home, flashlights and candles at the ready. Hope the rest of you locals are all safely indoors by then, too! 

Hardy sketchers!


  1. I think that's a lot of dedication that you even left home to go sketch in that weather! Great indoor sketching, Tina. Hope the storm wasn't too bad. I've been gone all day and haven't seen any reports.

    1. Thanks, Joan! At the moment the rain is normal, and there's hardly a breeze. I think it's the calm before the real storm! :-)

      - Tina
