

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Blown Away

10/6/16 water-soluble colored pencils, ink

On Thursday morning I heard that we were in for a lot of rain and wind over the next several days, so I was afraid it might be my last chance for color before all the leaves started blowing off. I went back to the Metropolitan Market parking lot, where some maples were already going bald compared to last week. These maples are on the opposite side of the entrance from the trees I sketched then. Flowers, a pile of pumpkins and a few umbrellas gave the entrance even more color.

Sure enough, we’ve had mostly rain ever since, with high winds on some days. We’ve had a gorgeous month since Labor Day, but I think autumn has turned from pretty to precipitation.


  1. Catch that color while you can! I would do the same thing. We are having a very rainy, cool day and it is the first time in a long while that I haven't been out to sketch. It is just too dreary out. Nice sketch of the colorful trees.

    1. We didn't get the big rain/windstorm last night that was forecast, so we might still have some color yet!

  2. I really like that you don't feel the need to capture each bit of detail, and are able to suggest the pumpkins and flowers and background trees with a bit of color. It's like a painting, and it allows your brain to fill in its own details. Nice!
