

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Like Antique Shopping

4/16/16 inks, colored pencils, Zig marker

Yesterday when Greg and I caught the light rail at UW Station, we saw some massive parts for the tunnel boring machine (which will eventually dig the light rail tunnel northward toward Roosevelt Station) standing crosswise like giant wheels in front of Husky Stadium. A couple of construction cranes were there, too. I wanted to sketch them then, but the morning was chilly and windy, so I decided to come back today when the weather promised to be warmer.

Indeed, today was warmer (64 and mostly sunny this afternoon!), so I went back. I’m sure you all know the rule about antique shopping: If you see something you like, you’d better get it now, because tomorrow it may be gone. It’s exactly the same for sketching. The massive wheel-like structures had been laid down flat and covered up with a plastic tarp – not very sketchogenic anymore!

But the trip wasn’t a waste – a huge yellow crane was still there (and you know how I am about heavy equipment!). I crossed the pedestrian overpass to place Husky Stadium as a backdrop to the crane. If you look really closely under the crane’s boom, you can spot the bronze statue of the Huskies’ mascot, which I sketched last summer for my niece’s wedding card. 

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