

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Shakespeare at the Library

3/26/16 ink, colored pencils
The Seattle Public Library’s central branch is hosting First Folio: the Book that Gave Us Shakespeare in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. It was interesting to see such old books on exhibit containing the Bard’s work. But truth be told, the real reason Natalie and I met there this morning was to sketch the performers – both scheduled and ad hoc – who entertained patrons on Community Day.

The event turned out to be a fun exercise in sketching people at different levels of activity. When we first arrived, a couple of actors in striped shirts and mis-matched shoes were putting on an impromptu performance that involved a lot of pratfalls and running back and forth across the floor. I couldn’t manage more than stick men (below)!

2/26/16 Zebra brush pen, colored pencils
Next an interactive band called Recess Monkey (above) took the stage and invited all the children in the room to join them in dancing. They were not much easier to sketch than the actors, but at least the musicians were tethered to their mic cords. After lunch we went upstairs where more performances were scheduled, and I had a more relaxed time sketching storyteller Eva Abrams (below).

A highlight of my day was taking my first trip on the light rail train from the brand new University of Washington Station. I resisted sketching the station today (that’s planned for next week) and instead enjoyed my fastest ride into downtown – less than 10 minutes! (And isn’t it pathetic that I can only now, in the year 2016, gloat about that.)

3/26/16 ink, colored pencils

My first light rail ride from the new UW Station!


  1. Looks like a fun day of entertainment!!! Nice sketches!

  2. I've gotten to sketch dancers on a few occasions so I can relate to these sketches. It's like trying to draw popcorn as it's popping :-) Love the selfie with the train and congrats on having one. -- Larry

  3. It sounds like an interesting and challenging sketching day ! It's difficult to sketch when people move around and don't return to the same poses !
