

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Japan, This Time with Sketchbook

10/25/15 ink, colored pencils
We’re on our way to our fourth visit to Japan! Our very first trip was in 2001 (in a fit of sentimental nostalgia last year, I blogged about that visit), and most recently it was in 2010 – all trips that occurred before I began sketching. Although Japan is relatively familiar to me, in some ways, this trip will feel like a first because I will be looking at everything with a sketchbook in hand. As a sketcher, I observe everything more closely even when I’m not sketching, and when I am, I see and remember so much more. Indeed, it will all seem new, and I can’t wait to fill my sketchbook with the country of my ancestors.

I won’t be blogging while I’m gone, but please join me on my adventures on Flickr and Instagram!

Ja mata (see you again) and happy sketching!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a wonderful trip! See you on Flickr. Travel safely!!!
