

Thursday, October 1, 2015


9/30/15 ink, watercolor, Zig marker

After an appointment in Ballard, I was walking back to my car when I heard a lot of trucky noises. A few blocks away was the source: A huge pile of dirt and several trucks going into and out of the dirt’s lot. Conveniently, an off-duty excavator was parked right by the pile, making it easy for me to sketch both.

I had been assuming that the lot was just one of the gazillion construction projects going on in Seattle, but a passer-by who stopped to look at my sketch filled me in. The lot I was sketching was part of the Dirt Exchange, a place where you can go to either sell dirt you don’t want or buy dirt that you need.

Urban sketching: You learn something every day.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Great job on the excavator. Those greys you are using are perfect for this.
