

Friday, June 26, 2015

Kubota’s Terrace Overlook Completed

6/26/15 Ink, watercolor

Nearly a year ago, the Friday sketchers met at Kubota Garden to sketch a team of rock wall-building masters and their students cutting stones for a structure that would become the garden’s Terrace Overlook. The overlook was dedicated in May, so it was time to return.

6/26/15 Ink, watercolor, water-soluble colored pencils
I found the same spot where I sketched last time (see last year’s sketch at bottom of page), which was mercifully shady on this warm morning. Starkly beautiful, the platform is made of boulders that were hand-chiseled and assembled with a dry-stone stacking method – nothing gluing them together – which is a 10,000-year-old Japanese technique. I remember the clinking of their chisels as the craftsmen worked, amazed that every stone would be cut by hand. In my sketch from last year, a crane was on the premises moving some of the largest foundational boulders. Although you cant see it in my sketches, the terrace looks over a large koi pond below.

For my second sketch, I walked over to the Terrace Overlook itself, sat in its shade and sketched a small sculpture of stacked stones that welcomes visitors there. Even a gardener’s noisy mower nearby couldn’t spoil the serenity. 

Sketched 8/8/14


  1. Lovely sketches, Tina! They really did a wonderful job on the terrace overlook. Amazing transformation from what it looked like a year ago.

  2. I am struck by how unique the view is from the perch that allows us to see something from the eyes of several urban sketchers. I just got to see Frank Ching's, Kate Burke's and now your view of the "Kubuta's Terrace Overlook." Each is different, and yet the same, but the sum of the parts is greater than each individual sketch. Thanks --- Larry
