

Saturday, June 6, 2015

First Farmers Market

6/5/15 Platinum Carbon ink and gray ink mix, Caran d'Ache Museum water-soluble colored pencils, Canson XL 140 lb. paper

Many of the neighborhood farmers markets opened this week, and that means – at least for me – the official beginning of summer. With a high of 79 yesterday and temps in the 80s predicted for this weekend, it even actually feels like summer!

Phinney Farmers Market was still looking a bit sparse of vendors yesterday afternoon. Crowded with booths and shoppers at the peak of summer, the market had lots of space for both. I climbed the stairs to the community center to get a high view of the market tents and late shadows. (That fiery glow in the center of the sketch under the red umbrella is the clay oven used by a pizza vendor.)

6/5/15 Sailor Doyou and Iroshizuku Kiri-same inks, Museum pencils
On my way out after I picked up my first strawberries of the year (they look like they might need sugar, but I couldn’t resist), a young vocalist was performing a wide-ranging repertoire from jazz to opera. She had very expressive arms that she moved constantly. It occurred to me that most of my busker-sketching experience comes from saxophonists and guitarists who don’t move around nearly as much as singers! Whew – she was tough!

But the season just opened – I have lots of time to work on my busker-sketching chops. Summer – bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you did the view from above to highlight the shadows! Good work!!
