

Saturday, April 18, 2015

An Urban Sketching Event at the Burke

4/18/15 Sailor Doyou  and Iroshizuku Kiri-same inks,
Caran d'Ache Museum colored pencil, Canson XL
Urban Sketchers Seattle enjoyed sketching at the Burke Museum so much in March that we went back for more. This time we were invited by the Burke to create an event that would encourage other visitors to sketch at the museum, too. The Burke provided sketching materials and a clothespin line where participants could hang their work. It was tough competing with 65 degrees and sunshine outside, but the museum managed to entice a few visitors indoors.

As usual, I spent most of my time hanging out with the bones – a sabertooth cat, a polar bear skull, and my favorite, the Brazilian Terror Bird. I also captured a girl sketching at a table near our clothesline “exhibit.”

Thanks to all the sketchers who volunteered today, and many thanks to the Burke for inviting us to this event! (For more photos of the event, see my post on the USk Seattle blog.)
4/18/15 Diamine Chocolate Brown and Iroshizuku Kiri-same inks, Museum pencil
4/18/15 Iroshizuku Asa-gao and Iroshizuku Tsukushi inks, Museum pencils
4/18/15 Caran d'Ache Museum pencil,
mix of gray inks
4/18/15 Iroshizuku Take-sumi and Kiri-same inks, colored pencil, copier paper
(I left this sketch of a skull fragment hanging in our "exhibit"!)


  1. Great idea for a sketching event. I always love your sketches of the bones.

  2. Wonderful that the Burke is encouraging sketching in this way and that you guys jumped at the chance to do it.
