

Saturday, February 21, 2015


2/21/15 Platinum Carbon ink, watercolor, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
Encouraged by the season’s first blossoming cherry tree on Tuesday, I went out today looking for more pink to sketch. I saw a few trees in bloom, but most were still full of buds tightly closed. I’ll give them another week or two.

When I got back home, I spotted another harbinger of spring, this time in yellow: our neighbors’ daffodils casting late-afternoon shadows on the rockery.

Technical note: After trying out a couple of signatures of Fabriano Studio hot-press paper, I decided to go back to cold-press Canson XL after all. Although I do like hot press for pen and ink sketches, I still prefer the texture of cold press with watercolor. Canson XL has definitely become toothier than I like, but I’m going with the devil I know.


  1. Love the daffy!!!! I think we are far away from seeing any here unless in a florist's shop. We are having more snow right now.

  2. That is a lovely drawing. Daffodils are so cheerful and the shadows are really cool.
