

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Top-Down Day

2/23/15 various inks, Kuretake brush pen, Caran d'Ache Museum water-soluble colored pencils,
Canson XL 140 lb. paper
It’s not exactly what I would call “warm” out there (our thermometer reads 49 F), but the spotless blue sky – such a treat in these parts – called to me. I popped the top off my car, cranked up the heat and cruised over to the Wedgwood neighborhood. A bare tree, a couple of power poles, a few dark blue shadows in the street – it takes very little to make me happy on this otherwise ordinary February day.


  1. Great use of this somewhat rare occasion! We could get used to this!

  2. Looks like a delightful day with a great sketch at the end! It was icy cold here.

  3. I like the composition very much. The wires are so strong part of the sketch. Shadows add richness, too.

  4. Thank you very much, Michele, Joan and Irina! This kind of weather is, indeed, a treat!
