

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Messiah and Irish Music by City Cantabile Choir

12/13/14 Super5 Frankfurt and Diamine Twilight inks, Caran d'Ache Museum water-soluble colored pencil, Canon XL
140 lb. paper

Probably most of us are familiar with George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah.” But who knew that the now-famous oratorio had its world premiere in Dublin in 1742?

12/13/14 Pilot Iroshizuku Take-sumi
The City Cantabile Choir performed “Handel Meets the Irish,” a unique mix of traditional Celtic music and Christmas solos and choruses from the Messiah, at their annual holiday concert last night. We really enjoyed the choir’s Celtic-themed concert a couple of years ago, and this year’s concert at University Christian Church was even better. To round off the lively Irish music, a couple of teenagers performed step dances. Their legs moved so fast, but my sketch makes them look like they were just standing there!

12/13/14 Super5 Frankfurt ink
Technical note: Sketching dark concerts is now a breeze with my Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 lamp clamped onto my sketchbook! I’ve had a chance to use it only a couple of times since I got it a year ago, so it was fun to use it again.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the poses of the dancers and the musicians. Nicely done!
