

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


12/29/14 various inks, pens and twig, Caran d'Ache Museum
water-soluble colored pencil, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
The daytime temperatures have been in the low 30s and even high 20s this week. That’s pretty cold anywhere, but it’s really dang cold for Seattle!

I was just reading on Nina Johansson’s blog about how she sketches in sub-freezing temperatures by mixing vodka with water in her waterbrush to keep it from freezing. Mike Daikubara just posted a sketch he made in Vermont, where the temp was 19 degrees – without gloves!

Guess what? I don’t have any stories of cold-weather sketching heroics. (Heck, I wear a hoody in the house.)  But if my car is fully heated when I turn the engine off, I can sit and sketch in it for about 20 to 30 minutes before it’s no longer comfortable – just enough time for each of these sketches. (I ♥ my mobile studio!) Yesterday’s empty-nest sketch was in my own Maple Leaf neighborhood. This morning’s tree with the big bite taken out of the middle was in Shoreline.

I need to go crank up the thermostat another notch. Stay warm, everyone!

12/30/14 various inks, Museum water-soluble colored pencils,


  1. Hee, hee. I read Nina's post and thought she had a screw loose :-) Your mobile studio is a good idea but the only reason why I'd like a car. It's -4F here right now. If I use enough vodka to prevent freezing I wouldn't be able to see straight.

    Cheers --- Larry

  2. I've heard about the vodka with the water, but I'm afraid I'd start to sip it. lol I only had my water/paint freeze once and at first couldn't figure out why everything was so grainy and it wouldn't flow. Nice capture of both trees. Sorry it is cold there. It was 26 degrees when I walked this morning...far too cold to be comfortable. I will get out for a last sketch of the year from my mobile studio. Have a Happy New Year!!!
