

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


8/13/14 Platinum Carbon, Diamine Chocolate Brown, Red Dragon and Grey, Pilot Iroshizuku Asa-gao and Fuyu-syogun inks, Caran d'Ache Museum water-soluble colored pencils, Zig markers, Canson XL 140 lb. paper

The yellow Komatsu was my original sketch subject. When I started, the operator wasn’t even inside, so I figured I had some time to get it. Before I knew what was happening, the Komatsu turned around and moved a short distance away, and the red machine, which had an auger on its business end, moved into place. Meanwhile another yellow Komatsu was in the background (you can see part of its shovel behind the STOP sign).

I was feeling frustrated because I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish any of the machines before they moved. But I’ve learned from sketching people and zoo animals that they tend to eventually go back to the same positions. And so it was with this intricate, noisy ballet of heavy equipment, each doing its job for a few minutes, then moving away to make room for the next one, then returning. Instead of turning the page each time, I decided to turn this into a “sketchbombed” composite.

Speaking of sketchbombs, the worker holding the STOP sign had come by to see what I was doing. “Hey, how come I’m not in it?” he quipped. So I put him in. 


  1. Gotta keep the workmen happy. lol I love how you combined all three of them into one sketch! You are becoming an expert at those big machines.

  2. You should have told him that he wasn't in it because he didn't get the machines to stop :-)

    Cheers --- Larry
