

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just Plain Wet at the Greenwood Car Show

6/28/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown, Grey and Pilot Iroshizuku Ku-Jaku inks,
Sailor pen, Zig markers, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
The Greenwood Car Show was so much fun last year that I hated the possibility of missing it. The weather forecast for today was rain, but the bright spots of blue among the clouds made me optimistic. I took a chance and headed for the Greenwood neighborhood, fairly certain that I could get a few sketches done before the clouds split open.

My first sketch of a 1954 Kaiser Darrin KF-161 Roadster – which has a sliding door! – went well, and by that I mean my sketch stayed dry. By then it was actually warming up and sunnier, so I kept on walking down Greenwood Avenue, where “a mile and a half” of hundreds of classic cars were on display for the 22nd annual event.

6/28/14 Pilot Iroshizuku Ku-Jaku and Diamine Grey inks, Pitt Artist Pen
The next beauty to catch my eye was a ‘41 Chevy two-door sedan in a gorgeous turquoise blue color. That sketch, too, went well – we both stayed dry. When I finished, it was starting to spit a little, but I decided it was going to stop soon, so I kept walking.

That’s when I spotted a blue convertible (I never got around to reading its make and model), and you know how I feel about convertibles. Despite the spitting rain that had turned to a drizzle, I decided to sketch it. Still in denial when the drizzle turned quickly to rain (“it’s going to stop soon”), I kept going. That’s when I realized I’d forgotten all about the finished sketch of the turquoise Chevy on my sketchbook’s facing page, now just as drenched as the sketch I had to abandon.

6/28/14 Ink and rain.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! Sorry the rain didn't cooperate and that the colors transferred to the other page. Nice sketches of the cars! That must be a fun place to sketch.
