

Monday, April 28, 2014


4/28/14 Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi ink, Sailor pen, brown ink
mix, Canson XL 140 lb. paper

With only a short time to spare between errands and appointments, I made a quick stop at Roosevelt Square, where the rooftop-level Starbucks has nice outdoor seating when it’s sunny. It made for an interesting shadow study of a chair at the next table.

The three young people made a more challenging study. The girl facing me was half in shade from the awning, which also made an interesting shadow – if her hair hadn’t dissolved quite so much!

But having shadows means there was sunshine, and it was warm enough to sit outdoors – who am I to complain about anything? 

4/28/14 Pilot Iroshizuku Take-Sumi ink, Sailor pen

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I see shadows when I go to the museum as they use spot lighting of the exhibits. Sadly, we've experienced few of them outdoors this "spring." Maybe this summer things will improve :-)

    Cheers --- Larry
