

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your Cheatin’ Hair

1/23/14 Conte pencil
Today at Gage’s life drawing studio, our female model’s head was completely shaved. Since I don’t get many opportunities to draw totally hairless heads, I spent quite a bit of the session focusing on getting its shape right. 

1/23/14 Private Reserve Velvet Black ink

1/23/14 water-soluble pencil, Conte pencil

My struggle made me realize how easy it is to cheat in “real life” life drawing when the “models” have hair – or wear hats. 
11/14/13 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink

11/27/12 Diamine Grey ink

1 comment:

  1. We forget how hair really hides the shape of the head. I like your shading in the conte pencil on the top left and the one in ink...nice job on these!!!
