

Saturday, January 25, 2014

42nd World Wide SketchCrawl at Couth Buzzard Books

1/25/14 Gel pens, Zig markers, Diamine Chocolate Brown and Grey inks, Canson
XL 140 lb. paper
Since I didn’t remember it until a few days ago, people had short notice of the 42nd World Wide SketchCrawl that I initiated for this morning. I thought it might be a lonely solo gathering at Couth Buzzard Books in the Greenwood neighborhood, so I was happy to see Blanche and Elsa show up. (The delicious mocha didn’t hurt, either.) Even though the folk musician who was scheduled to perform called in sick, we entertained ourselves sketching the shelves of used books and the sunny window view of Greenwood Avenue North. (Besides, how can a bookstore called Couth Buzzard not be entertaining?)

First I sketched Elsa, who had made herself comfortable in the plush velvet-covered chair in the colorful children’s section. Then I moved over to a window table with Blanche to sketch a tree housing a long-abandoned nest across the street.

1/25/14 Diamine Chocolate Brown and Denim inks, Sailor pen,
Zig marker
A group selfie commemorated our participation in the worldwide event. I hope you were able to get out for the World Wide SketchCrawl, too!

Blanche, Elsa and Tina at Couth Buzzard Books


  1. Fun sketches!! Glad you didn't forget about the sketch crawl. I did it but I don't have the energy to post the sketches or photos tonight...hopefully tomorrow.

  2. I had no idea there existed such a thing —world wide sketch crawl— who would've thought! Next year in Seattle, or elsewhere. Wait a minute, would a sketch created without knowing about the event count Tina?

    1. It's every quarter, Judith -- check it out here:

  3. Small or large, sketchcrawls are just the best. Glad you had fun.

    Cheers --- Larry
