

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I Admit, I Was Hoping for Darth Vader

10/5/13 water-soluble/waterproof ink mix, Strathmore 140 lb. paper
As was true for many people my age, the summer of 1977 wasn’t so much about high school graduation as it was about the release of the first Star Wars movie. To date, it is still the only movie I’ve seen more than 20 times.

I’m not as much of a fan now – at least I don’t keep up with blogs about the two trilogies, read the gazillions of books that came after the films, or collect the action figures. (OK, I do own a Luke Skywalker riding a Tauntaun, but it’s not in mint condition, so don’t e-mail me.) However, Star Wars still captures my attention from time to time. (Yes, I am using a limited-edition Moleskine Star Wars planner, and I have one already for next year, too.)

So when urban sketcher Kate Buike told me that the Star Wars costuming organization she belongs to would be appearing at a book reading at the nearby University Bookstore, I couldn’t resist. I knew she belonged to the rebel side, so I didn’t tell her this, but I was secretly hoping to meet Darth Vader.

10/5/13 ink mix, Canson XL 140 lb. paper
Alas, Vader didn’t participate. Nonetheless, it was fun to sketch Jedi archive librarian Jocasta Nu (AKA Kate!), a scruffy-looking Tatooine Sandtrooper and a Jawa (all three of whom kindly autographed my sketch).

To be polite, I also sketched the author giving the reading, Jeff Grubb, whom I had never heard of, nor did I have any intention of buying or reading his book.


  1. Fun sketch! The other guy reading that evening was Gus Lopiz, a local man who is famous in Star Wars collecting circles. Too bad you didn't come to the Star Wars Reads Day event at Southcenter....Vader was there!

  2. These are great!!! Glad you jumped at the chance of sketching there. I was never a Star Wars fan and must admit I haven't seen the movie except for a few scened...odd I guess. lol
