

Friday, June 28, 2013

Red Building from Jack Block Park

6/28/13 Platinum Carbon ink, watercolor, Pentalic sketchbook
A few weeks ago I sketched the Seattle skyline from Jack Block Park, but I had kicked myself because I didn’t have my landscape-format sketchbook with me. That panoramic view deserves a long, horizontal page. This morning a few Seattle Urban Sketchers got together at the West Seattle park, so I got another chance to sketch the skyline – and this time I remembered the sketchbook.
Left side of panorama.
My scanner isn’t wide enough to scan the whole panorama, so I had to split it in half. (The complete panorama at the top of the page was taken with my camera.) Near the center of the composition is a dark red building that I exaggerated with bright red paint. Based on its proximity to the “Darth Vader” (Fourth and Blanchard) Building and other nearby buildings, I’d say it must be in the Belltown neighborhood, but I’m not familiar with it. If you know, please identify it in the comments. (It’s clearly visible as red in this photo.)
Right side of panorama.
After the panorama, I moved to a new location with a view of the beach. A man and his son were flying a colorful kite. With only about 15 minutes left before the sketchbook sharing, I used the sketch as an opportunity to practice Gail Wong’s principles of selective painting.

Sketching with friends in the sunshine, the promise of clear skies and temperatures in the 80s this week, driving home with the top down: Life is good. And summer is the best!

6/28/13 Platinum Carbon Black ink, watercolor, 100 lb. watercolor paper

1 comment:

  1. Love the kite sketch, Tina. I'm a big kite fan and hope to sketch some myself this summer.

    Cheers --- Larry
