

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pedestrian Bridge Over Aurora

5/14/13 Diamine Grey ink, watercolor, Zig marker, Uniball pen, Stillman & Birn sketchbook
Northbound on Aurora Avenue North, I passed under a pedestrian bridge at around 157th, and a light bulb turned on: “Bridges” is this week’s Urban Sketchers Flickr group theme. I didn’t think I would be near any bridges over water this week, but I was thinking too narrowly.
I quickly pulled into Sears’ upper-level parking lot, hoping to see what I saw: a good view of the bridge’s blue span. While I sketched, I kept hoping some pedestrians would cross over so that I could put them in for scale, but none did.
In the meantime, some ominously black clouds gathered on the horizon behind tall firs, even as the sun shone brilliantly in another part of the sky. Our weather has been crazy-fickle lately.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping your eyes open for the possibilities and recognizing them when they happen, isn't it great how opportunity presents itself? Great idea to get up higher to catch the panoramic view point. Nice sketch.
