

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Prius at Frye

1/24/13 Diamine Chocolate Brown ink, Zig markers, Hand Book sketchbook
Now that the temperatures are in the balmy 40s instead of icy 30s, sitting in my car was still comfortable after finishing my sketch of St. James Cathedral from the Frye parking lot. Since I began my car-sketching exercises, I hadn’t yet tackled a Prius’ arched roof and broad back end, so the one parked in front of me was a good opportunity. (Reflected in the backseat window is the top of one of St. James’ towers.)


  1. Nice sketch of the cathedral did a good job of showing the scale of it.

    You are getting so good at sketching the cars. I'm impressed that you even showed the curves on the side panels with your shading. This one is really good!

    It is still too bitterly cold here to sit in the car and paint. I've been finding subjects indoors.

    1. Thanks, Joan! I've been hearing about how cold it still is in the East and Midwest... We seem to be over our cold snap, but it's probably a bit longer for you guys...bundle up!
