

Monday, November 19, 2012

Still Life with Rain

11/19/12 Copic Multiliner SP pen, watercolor, S & B Beta 
In general, I’m not a huge fan of still lifes. Given a choice, I invariably opt for on-location sketching or even studio life drawing practice over sketching inanimate objects in my house. But today it rained so hard and continuously, accompanied by gusty high winds, that I hunkered down and couldn’t bear to go out, even to a coffee shop.
Fortunately, a mostly-fresh birthday bouquet from my spouse guy had enough color to keep me entertained. The first sketch, below, was a good opportunity to try a sample of Platinum Pigmented Sepia ink, one of several samples Kate gave me (thanks, Kate!). When I was shopping for brown ink samples a while back, the swatch shown online for this ink looked blah, so I skipped it. But in real life, it’s a pleasant, non-aggressive hue, and here’s what surprised me: it’s waterproof! I wasn’t necessarily looking for a waterproof brown ink – my interest was in finding one with a rich wash – but now that I’ve found this one, I’m thinking it would be a nice warm alternative to my usual Platinum Carbon Black. I especially like it on the ivory-colored Stillman & Birn Delta paper.
11/19/12 Platinum Pigmented Sepia ink, S & B Delta
The second still life, above, was drawn with my trusty Copic Multiliner SP pen, which I haven’t been using much since I got hooked on Lamy fountain pens. This time I sketched it on a bright white Stillman & Birn Beta page spread (again, thanks, Kate!), which has a cooler hue but maybe makes the colors pop a bit more.
OK, so still lifes have their place. But I’ve already got cabin fever.


  1. You're welcome. ;) I really like these still lifes (lives?). They might not be that fun to do but you've done them well.

  2. Nice sketches of the flowers. Yes, still lifes do come in handy when you really can't get to go out. I love the cars hanging from the ceiling and that bird's eye view at the museum. Nice group of sketches!!

  3. I love your sketches! You inspire me every day.

  4. Thank you, Kate, Joan and Cindy! Today it stopped raining long enough for me to want to go out for some coffee. ;-)
