

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Franklin High School

10/21/12 Copic Multiliner SP pen, watercolor, Stillman & Birn sketchbook
After the Columbia City sketchcrawl, I drove a couple miles north to my alma mater, Franklin High School, which celebrated its 100th birthday this year. Nearly demolished in 1986, it was designated an historic landmark and saved by widespread public protest. Although it’s been a few (ahem) years since I attended, this view looks mostly the same, other than some sculptures toward the right of the building that weren’t there. To sketch this from the car, I parked on the same street where I parked my Toyota Corolla every school day of my senior year.


  1. You are doing so much plein air sketching...good for you! I had to smile about your fingerless gloves. Mine are in my backpack and I'm thinking of buying some handwarmers too. I like this sketch of your HS and the one of the town below. I enjoyed reading about the inks you were testing. I have yet to find a brown that I'm happy with. Either they bleed too much and nothing is left or they take too long to dry and I end up smudging the sketch. Let me know your recommendations.

  2. Thanks, Joan! I'll let you know when I finish testing all the brown ink samples!
