

Saturday, January 4, 2025



12/31/24 Maple Leaf neighborhood

For the first time after many days (weeks?) of rain and overcast, the day began with a clear, open sky. When I got up from the breakfast table to microwave the second half of my cup of coffee, I spotted Her Majesty silhouetted against the predawn sky. I dashed upstairs to sketch this on the last day of 2024.

Hoping that the next morning would be just as clear, I had plans to sketch Mt. Rainier again, already drafting in my head some kind of metaphor, philosophical musing or at least an expression of optimism represented by one year ending and another beginning with Rainier sightings. Jan. 1, however, began and ended with overcast skies, no mountain to be seen all day.

I’ve already talked about Her Majesty’s indifference to human constructs like buildings and utility poles. And so it is with human constructs like calendars. She stands back there quietly, every day of the year, whether I see her or not. I’ll choose to find that reassuring.


  1. Nice! And that's a very Zen way of seeing things - the mountain being there whether she can be seen or not. Just like the sun on cloudy days. Reassuring indeed.

  2. I like the silhouette of her in purple contrasted with that great sunrise.
